Hassle-free concrete on demand.
We are the Cleveland area’s trusted metered concrete provider, delivering custom quantities of site-mixed concrete exactly when and where you need it.
Concrete delivery services to Cuyahoga, Lake, and Geauga counties in and around the Cleveland area.
Why the Other Guys?
Let’s face it, getting concrete for a small or medium-sized project is a huge pain. Unreliable delivery times, upcharges & fees, and wasted product are just a few of the problems OtherGuys’ metered concrete delivery solves for companies, contractors, municipalities, and DIYers.
Metered concrete minimizes waste by precisely preparing the required quantities, reducing excess material.
Consistent Quality:
Metered concrete is produced using precise formulas and calibrated mixing equipment, ensuring a consistent and accurate mix every time.
Metered concrete can be customized to meet specific project requirements. It can be adjusted to achieve desired strength, workability, setting time, and other characteristics.